Episode 71
The ps command introduction
This episode provides a basic introduction to UNIX processes and a few ways to view them using the `ps` command.
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Episode 72
The top command introduction
This episode shows how the `top` command can display a system's process list in real time.
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Episode 73
The top command help menu
This episode shows how to access the help menu for the `top` command, and how that menu provides ways for sorting the output of the command as well as send specific signals to processes.
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Episode 74
The top command sorting output
This episode shows how the `top` command allows output to be sorted by key name, such as cpu and many others.
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Episode 75
The top command update interval
This episode shows how the `top` command's output is updated every second by default, but that the interval for displaying the output can be changed.
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Episode 76
The top command sending signals
This episode shows how to send a TERM or `terminate` signal to a process from the `top` command's user interface.
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Episode 77
The top command specified options
This episode shows how the `top` command can accept option arguments on the command line for a variety of features such as sorting output by key name, as well as how often in seconds the output should be updated.
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Episode 78
Foreground processes introduction
This episode describes foreground processes and how they can be terminated or suspended using different key stroke combinations.
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Episode 79
The jobs command
This episode shows how use the bash shell `jobs` builtin command for listing the active jobs on the system.
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Episode 80
Background jobs introduction
This episode shows how to use an ampersand symbol to run commands in the background.
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Episode 81
The bg command introduction
This episode shows how to use the `bg` command to send running processes in the current terminal to the background.
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Episode 82
The fg command introduction
This episode shows how to use the bash shell `fg` builtin command to bring background processes to the foreground.
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Episode 83
The kill command introduction
This episode shows how to use the `kill` command to send signals to a process, which can be done using signal names or numbers, process ids or job specs.
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