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Welcome to UnixCasts
Your source for learning the UNIX command line

The man pages
Get the most out of the system manual.
Commands and concepts covered
- man
- ls
Topic episodes
1. The man pages introduction using ls
2. The man pages user specified arguments
3. The man pages mutually exclusive arguments
4. The man pages important sections
Getting help
Learning more about UNIX commands.
Commands and concepts covered
- whatis
- apropos
- help
- info
Topic episodes
5. The whatis command introduction
6. The apropos command introduction
7. The help command introduction
8. The info command introduction
Files and Folders
Managing files & directories
Navigating around the filesystem.
Commands and concepts covered
- ls
- touch
- mkdir
- cd
- nano
- cat
- more
- less
- head
- tail
- which
- whereis
- cp
- mv
- rmdir
- grep
- find
Topic episodes
9. Directory hierarchy introduction
10. Pathnames and ls
11. File types
12. The touch command introduction
13. Wildcard basics
14. Making directories
15. Navigating directories
16. Special directories
17. The HOME directory
18. The nano editor introduction
19. The cat command introduction
20. The more & less commands introduction
21. The head command introduction
22. The tail command introduction
23. The which, whereis & file commands introduction
24. Copying files
25. Moving files
26. Removing files
27. Removing directories
28. The grep command introduction
29. The find command introduction
Understanding permissions
How to read, write and execute files.
Commands and concepts covered
- chmod
Topic episodes
30. Permissions introduction
31. Symbolic notation
32. Read permissions: file owner
33. Write permissions: file owner
34. Execute permissions: file owner
35. Read permissions: directory owner
36. Write permissions: directory owner
37. Execute permissions: directory owner
38. Combinations of symbolic notation
39. The X flag for a file
40. The X flag for a directory
41. The setuid flag
42. The setgid flag
43. The sticky bit: introduction
44. The sticky bit: write perms & owns file
45. The sticky bit: write perms but not owner
46. The sticky bit: without execute permissions
47. Special attributes
48. chmod introduction
49. chmod decimal to binary
50. chmod binary to decimal
51. chmod special flags
52. chmod setuid
53. chmod setgid
54. chmod sticky bit
Redirection & Pipes
Passing data to other commands.
Commands and concepts covered
- >
- >>
- HERE docs
- tee
Topic episodes
55. Streams introduction
56. Using cat to input data
57. Redirect stdout
58. Using cat with multiple arguments
59. Redirect with > can overwrite
60. Redirect stdout with >>
61. Redirect stdout of multiple files
62. Redirect stdin with
63. Redirect stdin then stdout
64. Redirect stdout and stderr
65. Redirect stdout & stderr to separate locations
66. Redirect stderr to nowhere
67. Here document
68. Pipes introduction
69. Top 10 unix commands
70. The tee command
Working with processes
How to send signals and manage programs.
Commands and concepts covered
- ps
- top
- fg
- bg
- jobs
- kill
Topic episodes
71. The ps command introduction
72. The top command introduction
73. The top command help menu
74. The top command sorting output
75. The top command update interval
76. The top command sending signals
77. The top command specified options
78. Foreground processes introduction
79. The jobs command
80. Background jobs introduction
81. The bg command introduction
82. The fg command introduction
83. The kill command introduction
Software packages
Installing software
Learn how to add new packages to system.
Commands and concepts covered
- curl
- brew
- zip
- unzip
- gzip
- gunzip
- tar
- compress
- uncompress
Topic episodes
84. The curl command introduction
85. Package management: brew introduction
86. Package management: brew commands
87. The zip & unzip commands introduction
88. The gzip command introduction
89. The gunzip command introduction
90. The tar command: introduction
91. The tar command: creating archives
92. The tar command: creating a gzipped archive
93. The tar command: creating a tgz archive
94. The tar command: extracting a gzipped archive
95. The compress & uncompress commands introduction
96. Installing software from source
Miscellaneous Features
Features of a UNIX shell
Miscellaneous commands within the system.
Commands and concepts covered
- env
- echo
- source
- alias
- unalias
Topic episodes
97. The env command introduction
98. The PATH environment variable
99. Setting environment variables
100. Displaying environment variables
101. Shell initialization files
102. Sourcing files
103. The alias & unalias commands