Episode 9
Directory hierarchy introduction
This episode shows a brief introduction of how a UNIX filesystem is organized into a tree-like structure.
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Episode 10
Pathnames and ls
This episode describes what Pathnames are, how they're constructed and how we can use a variety of flags with the `ls` command to get information about specific Pathnames.
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Episode 11
File types
This episode describes the various file types available on UNIX, such as directories, symbolic links and device files, as well as the letters or symbols used to identify those file types using the `ls` command.
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Episode 12
The touch command introduction
This episode shows how you can quickly create empty or zero-length files using the `touch` command.
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Episode 13
Wildcard basics
This episode covers the wildcards for the asterisk (or star), the question mark and square brackets, and how those patterns can be expanded to return more complex names for files and directories.
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Episode 14
Making directories
This episode shows how to use the `mkdir` command to create a directory.
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Episode 15
Navigating directories
This episode shows how to navigate or change into directories using the `cd` command.
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Episode 16
Special directories
This episode shows two special directories that are part of each directory under the root.
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Episode 17
The HOME directory
This episode shows how a users HOME directory is represented using a tilde character, and how to navigate with the `cd` command to that directory, as well as how to return to the previous directory with the dash character.
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Episode 18
The nano editor introduction
This episode shows how to open files using `nano`, a basic text editor available on my UNIX systems, as well as how to access the editor's help system so that other operations can be performed such as saving content and exiting the editor.
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Episode 19
The cat command introduction
This episode shows how to view the contents of a file using the `cat` command.
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Episode 20
The more & less commands introduction
This episode shows how to view a file and page through the contents of it using either the `more` or `less` commands.
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Episode 21
The head command introduction
This episode shows how the `head` command can be used to show the first few lines of a given file.
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Episode 22
The tail command introduction
This episode shows how to display the last few lines of any file using the `tail` command.
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Episode 23
The which, whereis & file commands introduction
This episode shows how to determine the full pathname for a given command using the `which` and `whereis` commands. Also, the `file` command is covered so that you can determine what type of file is located at a given pathname.
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Episode 24
Copying files
This episode shows several examples of using the `cp` command to copy files.
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Episode 26
Removing files
This episode shows how to remove files and directories using wildcard patterns.
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Episode 27
Removing directories
This episode shows how the `rmdir` command can remove empty directories.
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Episode 28
The grep command introduction
This episode demonstrates how to search for files containing a specific keyword using the `grep` command, as well as some of the more useful flags that can be used in conjunction with the command.
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Episode 29
The find command introduction
This episode shows how use the `find` command to search for files containing various characteristics such as size, name, type and permissions, as well as how to execute separate commands for all files matching the results of `find`.
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